Tae Kwon Do | Martial Arts Academy |Santa Rosa


BOGO BOGO BOGO!!! | Cali Kicks Martial Arts Academy

Holiday sales are all over the place so we decided to try it out too! If you've ever thought about putting your child in Kids Martial Arts, now is your chance!!! Sign up today and we will match you month for month. 

We're honestly kinda crazy for giving out this much in savings, but hey, our insanity is your gain! 

Come in and take advantage of buying 6 months and getting 6 months for free.....for FREE!!! And we will still give you your FREE gi FREE t-shirt FREE welcome pack FREE registration. Limited number of spots only available until Nov. 24th so hurry!

Santa Rosa | Cali Kicks Martial Arts Academy
After School Program | Cali Kicks Martial Arts Academy

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#Cali Kicks Martial Arts Academy
#Holiday sales
#Kids Martial Arts

The Benefits of Taekwondo for children

The Benefits of Taekwondo for children | Cali Kicks Martial Arts Academy

Client's Review

Veo un maestro con pasión por lo que hace,inculcando en su educador: seguridad, respeto y disciplina.

El tiene un corazón bondadoso que ha pesar que tiene una agenda llena,hace tiempo para escuchar y ayudar a sus alumnos.El siempre esta activo en su Comunidad!!!

Exitos en su Academia maestro Gerardo!!!

Anthelma Arellanes
Santa Rosa CA

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